ABC had posters set up for most of its fall shows at their New York headquarters today, at a press conference held by ABC Entertainment president Stephen McPherson to announce the network's fall lineup. And while not unexpected, it was indeed a bit strange to see a poster for Scrubs with the cast's smiling faces, and the ABC logo underneath. Yes, as everyone knew, the much-discussed rumors are true and Scrubs is moving from NBC to ABC for an eighth season, consisting of 18 episodes. As fans are well aware, Season 7 was intended to be the final one, until the strike cut it short with several episodes not completed. Scrubs has never been a ratings powerhouse and McPherson was asked what prompted the pickup. He said, "Due to the fact that it's been in 17 time periods on [NBC] and they rarely promote it, if at all, the fact that it's pulling [the ratings it does] on Thursday and actually performs better than anything but The Office, we think it's really a great addition for us. It helps us as we're expanding our comedy brand. We had a lot of success with Samantha Who?, but you have to build on success. This gives us a real opportunity to have another piece to play with."It has been presumed that Season 8 was the show's chance at a do-over for a final season, and would certainly be the end… But not so fast. Asked if the show could continue past next season, McPherson replied, "We're taking it year by year. For us it was a strategic move to get it for this year. Depending on how it does, we'll look at next year. And they've been taking it that way for the last year and a half, really." McPherson also confirmed that the entire cast was back.
Zach Braff will be back in Scrubs for Season 8... and perhaps beyond.McPherson noted that storywise, "There's a chief of medicine coming in that I think is going to spark a kind of whole new dynamic in the office and there are things that [Scrubs creator Bill Lawrence] wasn't able to accomplish that he's excited about. Bill has been a big reason that we got behind this, because he's so excited to keep going. He's a guy who's actually stuck with his own show, which I love. He knows it in and out and he loves it and he has such a passion for it, so when he came and pitched me on what it could be and where it was going, that was a big factor."I asked McPherson if he indeed was saying that there was even the possibility of the show continuing into a ninth season and he told me, "It could, exactly. It's just hard to know. They didn't have [cast contact] options this year. They went to the cast and said, 'Do you guys want to do it?' and they said yes."
Zach Braff will be back in Scrubs for Season 8... and perhaps beyond.McPherson noted that storywise, "There's a chief of medicine coming in that I think is going to spark a kind of whole new dynamic in the office and there are things that [Scrubs creator Bill Lawrence] wasn't able to accomplish that he's excited about. Bill has been a big reason that we got behind this, because he's so excited to keep going. He's a guy who's actually stuck with his own show, which I love. He knows it in and out and he loves it and he has such a passion for it, so when he came and pitched me on what it could be and where it was going, that was a big factor."I asked McPherson if he indeed was saying that there was even the possibility of the show continuing into a ninth season and he told me, "It could, exactly. It's just hard to know. They didn't have [cast contact] options this year. They went to the cast and said, 'Do you guys want to do it?' and they said yes."
is there going to b a ninth season or not i need to know
i would love to see a ninth season cos im scrubs mad and zach braff has got to be in it due to rumours going round the internet he dont want to be in season 9 . cumon zach braff scrubs if your house baby .
i love scrubs!!
Acording to all of the rumors I have read online (And I have put quite a bit or research into this matter.) There is a high possability for a season 9 of scrubs, and if there is going to be a season 9, they will be replacing the main cast, the interns will be taking over as the main characters.
I personally would love if the original Scrubs cast to stay, in my opinion, the show will just not be the same if they replace them.
I agree, If they take away the original cast, then it just won't be the same. I want them to have a ninth season but if your right and they change the cast then I prob. won't watch it again. Because everyone knows scrubs because of "J.D." and "Turk", you take them away and it would just ruin the whole show.
It better be the main cast again, because if it isn't, I can see it being its final season for sure. =(
if the main cast goes then i will never watch scrubs agian except mabye one episode in curiosity to see what its like but afterb that i will watch scrubs season 9 agian
I don't know you guys I would be interested in seeing a new scrubs cast. We would fall in love all over again! You see in the end it's not about who is playing the roles, who is making the witty comments, or who is the narrator voicing the philosophical conclusion. It's who is writing the script. Zach Braff does not write for the show nor does Sarah Chalke. We fell in love with not the cast but the concept, the nice little wrap-ups at the end that inspired us and even made us tear up a little. Getting a new cast will not stop any of that, if anything the show may go another eight or nine years; face it if Zach, Sarah, and Donald all keep up there Roles then they are either A) eventually find success and no longer need this prime time gig. They will ditch it and move on to bigger pictures. B) Notice that this show is going nowhere in their professional lives, dump it and move on. There only human. C) Get too expensive for NBC, ABC, Fox, or CBS to want to deal with and ultimately shut down the show. So what do you say? Let's stick around see how this whole thing pans out.
I can't see having any one other than Zach Braff as a main character. The character replacing JD would look like a stupid knock-off. The cast made the show and it will suck without them. Also, Zach Braff does write for the show, and Bill Lawrence said he most likely wouldn't do a ninth season. ABC just wants to use the name for season 9, and will subsequently ruin it.
What I’ve heard is JD is leaving but will be left open ended, so he could return. Turk, Carla, Josh (janitor), Dr Cox are staying, and Dr Cox is taking over the writing and production. Elliot is unconfirmed atm, which means she could be leaving with JD, possibly marriage or JD gets a job in city to be near Sam. The interns are going to become a bigger part of it, as they are making web episode which can be watched on the scrubs website. The fact the final episode of season 8 is going to be 1 hour long with 2 parts to it, with many guests and patients returning, could mean a leaving party situation, as JD has had contact in the show with majority of the guests. In my opinion, I want scrubs to last as long as possible, but not to the point where everything’s so similar and it has lost its true scrubsness, like it will if JD and Elliot leave.
_____I hope that scrubs will continue for many more seasons. but eventually the cast might want to move on from the slightly bad jokes (that I still love!!) and go to more dramatic films. Zach Braff has had some great history as an actor and if he leaves scrubs he will be able to focus on making new instant classics like the Garden State.
_____If the interns take over then maybe the show would continue to run for the next 20 years. In England on the BBC when doctor who first came out on TV, people fell in love with the doctor. but when the writers wanted to get a new doctor, people were angry. as will be the fans of the current scrubs cast... think about it. But people get over it after a few episodes and fall in love with the new characters.
_____I'm just stating that. It doesn't mean that i want the scrubs cast to leave. i think J.D. is the best character for the job and want the show to continue in his image.
I think, that we all as huge scrubs supporters, should show some respect for the decision which will be made by zach and bill.
Both of them want to develop and thats more then a good idea.
Of course, you identify scrubs with JD and Turk, and it would be a kind of sad to see them leave, but I also liked the concept of dealing with problems in almost every life situation.
I think we should be prepared for a ninth season with some changes, and be open for new characters.
Plus, I think the new interns are AMAZING!!!
I LOVE Scrubs, and I have enjoyed most of Season 8...but I really don't want to see it go to a Season 9 without JD and anyone else who isn't coming back....in my mind, if any ONE of the main characters (aka JD, Elliot, Carla, Turk, Dr. Cox) had left the show, it wouldn't have been the same, and it will not be the same once JD and whoever else leaves. I think the show loses its very appeal when JD leaves...
I feel like Bill Lawrence and the guys have done a great job wrapping the loose ends of the series after season 7's forced quick ending due to the strike, and I just don't want to see that changed again.
I suppose I would be okay with a spin-off with the interns or something of that nature, although I have my doubts about whether or not they can carry their own show....but I definitely want Scrubs to end the right way, and I think the right way would be to end it here in Season 8.
I think they will go on because abc is only saying season finale and by giving turk that posistion at the hospital makes it seem like they are going to do more, i personally don't like zach braff and think the show would be better without him.
As long as Elliot and J.Dizzle get married i am o.k., but i really want them to stay.
GO J.DIZZLE AND S.C.B. (super chocolate bear)
i love scrubs but if they dont keep the main cast its going to suck
I love the show and all the characters. As you all said, J.D., Turk, Elliot, Carla, Dr. Cox and of course the amazing Janitor ( I don`t belive that his name in the movie is Josh, he will be Janitor in the show FOREVER)are great, the latest episodes were unbelivable and I rolled on the floor laughing watching them (and I mean that). I think the new interns are great too. They are fun and it seems to be *fitting* the show very well. I think they would do a good job also, `cause they`re natural and if there will be a change in the main cast I really want to see their faces around . I watched Scrubs since it showed and there was a problem with the 7th season, when it was supposed to end because it was bit of a *dark* period. I remember that season 5 and 6 were not so funny and all the charm was kind of gone. Then, season 7 came out and it was hilarious! I wanted to jump off the roof because I was thinking that everything will shut down. But not so fast. Season 8 popped out pretty quick and I want to say that I feel like it`s the first season again. New people, new pacients and the family that we all love. Scrubs won`t be Scrubs anymore not because the other characters can`t handle the show on their own, just because when we see the whole team gathered around we feel this weird comfort knowing that no matter what we are doing in our lives, everything seems easier and it makes me belive that I can do anything that I want when I watch them. I love all the cast because time passed, now I am very attached of them and I really respect Bill for the work that he did and that he tried to keep the show in balance. He made a great great job; I know that no matter what decision will be taken we are safe because he is thinking at the fans in the first place.
The season finale was amazing! I was SO sad tho i only saw half of it i thought it was next week on wed. and i turn on the t.v. and BAM! "Goodbye J.D." i as so upset. =( BUT i really want Scrubs to continue i LOVE the show all of the cast is truly amazing and it is just my humor i really hope they make the right decision to continue on. I really don't know what it would be like with out J.D. i loved the season finale it was amazingly funny.
so i just watched the season 8 finale and i HAVE to know if season 9 is coming!! patience is not an option, lol!
i just hope that elliot and jd work. out in season 9( if there is one) like if they get married and have kids like in the simmulation in the end of the season finale
That was such a great end for season 8, but it leaves me with way to many questions. Like what's going to happen to JD and Elliot??? Or if there is going to be a season 9????
The season finale was sad. I cried for hours even after the show. Season 9 wouldn't be the same without Zach Sarah and Brown Bear. The interns aren't that bad though. I'm a dedicated fan and I would watch. Check out their webisodes on abc.com. Sunny is my favorite because of the way she's always so happy. She is always commenting on the way he face hurts because she is always smiling. Keep the show going!
After watching the Final episode of season 8, it seems to me - that they left the ending rather open, for the possibility of JD staying for a season 9 or getting hitch'd and leaveing.. i for one hope there is a season 9 !!! Best show ever !!. What season 9 would be like with just interns.. is 50/50, i might watch it - but it definatly needs some of the main cast.. There is a few options that the producers/writers of scrubs can do to make a decent season 9 IMO.
Season 8 was the funniest yet!!....and I didn't think it was possible to make it funnier!!!.....there has to be a 9th series as life is pointless without scrubs!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!
i think season 8 was the best season finale of all. felt heart warming in the end to see the old guest appearances all come out. as for the possible season 9 it wont be the same but im sure the concept of the show will never get tiring. as in the end of season 8 i think they forshadowed what was to become if there is a possible season 9 and i highly doubt the core cast will still be around.i will still love the show never get tired of watching old re runs. i get too emotionally invested in watching these type of shows and saddens me everytime they end.
honestly i wont watch scrubs i will be so pissed if they take away any of the cast members.... i am getting worked up about this scrubs is my favorite show and they better not ruin it with those stupid interns that arent even funny
Guys thanks for an amazing show. Scrubs have literally been part of my life for the last 8 years. I can not believe that Scrubs as we know it is going to end... :,(
Good luck to all the cast!
please make another season. Keep the same cast they were excellent! my family and i love watching scrubs and all of our friends do to. Please keep scrubs going!
If they make a season 9 with new characters, it must have JD and Turk with side spots such like Dr Cox : )
i love scrubs, but the last thing i want is another season that's crap because the actors moved on - not to say they can't, (in fact, it'd be nice to see them branch out) but to continue a fantastic series without the people that made it fantastic is so crap it's beyond words.
I really hope they do make more seasons with the orginal cast because we have watched them for the last 8 years and you feel emotions for the characters and the story line PLUS J.D and Turk and are so damn amazing together!!
But if they plan on doing the next season by bringing in the interns it wont be the same and i doubt ill watch it and to be honest to me it wont be scrubs and think it should be renamed to something else!!!!!!!!!!
I have been watching every episonde live since it first came out. J.D. is the main character and the voice over narrator guy. I can see J.D. and Turk separating to close out the show but who is going to do the closing narrations; Sunny Day, Dr. Reid? Bob can't do it. He's gone now.
He still would need to be a part of the show but from a distance in order for it to make sense and I don't believe that he just doesn't want to do it anymore. That isn't the Zack Braff that I know, to leave a show about his character without letting it end properly.
"My Finale" said "to be continued..." because of his departure from Sacrated Heart. I think Season 9 will be all about his leaving.
please if you decied to make season9 don't change the cast! JD only moved 37 minutes away. End it with JD and Elliot getting Married! don't make scrubs another saved by the bell: New Class! that show bombed!
I Think There is Going to be a 9th season But I'm Not Sure Yet.. I Hope So.. But Zach Braff Leaves At The End Of This Season To Go Work At Kim's Hospital So I Dont Think He'll Be In It As Much But Im Sure They Wont Cut Him Out Completely :)
Rumors indicate the original cast will be in it for 6 episodes to acclimate us into the new cast.
There is going to be a ninth season!!! the contract has been signed, Zach Braff apparently will only star in the first 6 episodes but will be seen in most. CAN'T WAIT X)
Thats awsome whens it ment to come out? Later this year?
Hi, yeah. to settle your thoughts I have exactly what will happen. Scrubs was ending because after its move from NBC to ABC its ratings fell and Zach wanted to leave, but after series 8 the ratings rose and now the show will continue with a 9th series with Zach Braff in at least 6 episode and the it still follows the lives of the origional gang e.g JD, Elliot, Dr. Cox, Carla, Turk and so on...
I loved season 8 of Scrubs, it is probably my favorite. I believe ABC should not bring Scrubs back for a 9th season. Season 8 tied up everyone's stories, and that ending with JD was the perfect way to end a series. If they do decide to do a 9th season it should have the new interns, not the original cast.
You are a fool! Keep JD and Turk the whole crew they are the show! If you take out the main cast it will end up like an unsuccessful show. The only way they could do it is like house where they are in pretty much every episode but just not always the main deal. btw that show is going down the drain isnt it! KEEP THE MAIN CAST in scrubs bill
when is it meant to come out this year or early next year?
All i want to know is if J.D. and Elliot are goin to get married. The show would have a perfect ending point if the last episode was about there wedding, because we all want to see them get hitched
i love scrubs. i have seen every episode, season1-8. i hated the last episode. i hate it more every time i watch it. if the interns take over, i will never watch scrubs again. the original cast IS the original, and nothing is as good as the original. Zach, Sarah, Donald, and all other originals, the show wouldn't be the same. i would be shocked if they stopped with this cast. scrubs is the best show ever, and without them, its the worst show ever. bill, you said it yourself, zach couldn't have been a better fit for j.d.
A ninth season would be great, if the orignial cast remained. Scrubs isn't Scrubs without J.D and his insanely amazing relationships with Dr Cox, Turk, Elliot, the janitor ect. J.D IS Scrubs so if J.d won't be there it's not scrubs ¬ ¬
Zach Braff confirmed today there is going to be a 9th season over his MySpace.
well i love scrubs so much...in fact its the tv show that inspired me to go to med school. but seeing the 8th season finale, it showed me the most great this must come to an end. they way scrubs was built up, fans dont want to see it leave. but it comes to an end but the 9th season wouldnt be too bad either :)
i think a 9th season would be amazing to see. The cast is simply great and talented! J.D., Turk, hell, All the cast are wanted back by America to play a damn well Wanted 9th season! Do works guys!!
I hope that Zach Braff will be in season 9 because it just wouldnt be scrubs without the whole cast. Its one of the good comedy shows and i enjoy it so much that when the finale came i was so sad i hope that there will be a 9th season because i want to know if all those things at the end are true or at leasst an elaboration
Right hi guys i love scrubs more then anything i have all the seasons on DVD and Season 8 when its out on dvd in the uk.
I have watched scrubs from the very first piolt episode and i realy dont whant to start it agen with new cast it will be horrable but please if you do do new cast you must have them all still in it coz terk is cheif of sergery now and cox is cheif of Medican eliot is still there and jd is at kims hospital witch is " a 37 min drive " and To be honest in my opinon zach, sera, donld and so on...
made the show what it is today and i think from what iv read on here most people will stop watching it of the main cast are going but i realy whant to see what hapens they can take it on for meany meany seasons yet at they end of season 8 they show terk and jd's kids geting engaged, jd and eliots wedding and them haveing kids they can take it on for along time yet if they think about it but it realy realy will go to pot if they loose the main cast.
Go on bill keep them.
thank you scrubs team youv done a great job.
i will be sinking in to a pit of depression if they dont continue to make more scrubs episodes with the origional characters. the new interns just wouldnt cut it.it would turn out like all them shows with a name like SCRUBS - next generation. or something pus like that. please continue to make more seasons. please please please im desperate!!!
Scrubs is an awesome show, but they got to silly for some people. I for one love this show but if Zach Braff isn't back don't make another season.
First of all I would absolutely love a 9th season of Scrubs. In fact I'd watch ONE MORE episode if they made it. The whole last 2 episodes were about change, and the future, and I think it's important to realize that the original cast is going to move on eventually. Even though I love all the original characters, it actually would make it harder to watch if they tried to keep Turk or Carla or Elliot around and not JD. A new cast would be fine as long as it's the same writers. I just hope they DO bring it back regardless of who's on it.
'Anyway, Zach Braff will return for 6 episode where he will help the transition into the "new" Scrubs. John C. McGinely (Dr.Cox), Neil Flynn (Janitor) & Donald Faison (Turk) are currently in talks to be the main cast, while Sarah Chalke (Elliot) will be give a role similar to Zach Braff. Judy Reyes(Carla), according to reports has not yet been officially approached, however it is expected, if she was to return she would reprise her role, merely as a guest star.'
yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy (i think)
I don't think that they should make a season 9, instead they should make a spin-off with the interns and try not to show too much of the senior staff (Elliot, Turk, Carla, etc..), they could have JD make an appearance every now and then like 1 or 2 episodes per season. JD's story has ended, it's time for a new storyline.
think nick's right, using new interns is quite a good idea as that would be something fresh and janitor may get new intern as a victim. finaly i hope there would be continuation as good as original :)
i think they should show zach's life in the new hospital and sacred hearts life without zack to make it even funnier they should make characters in st vincent similar to sacred heart and then have j.d and turk pull pranks in both hospital and the writers should make a situation where both hospitals have to work together so the camera is always on both of them and it doest seem weird.
There has to be a ninth season and I don't know what I'd do without JD and Dr.Cox etc! Wouldn't be worth watching!
I am so so sad that it is all over, Scrubs just would not be the same same without J.D.
Shame on you Zack Braff!!!!! No I love you, thank you so much for making me laugh in the best show ever made. If there is to be no season 9 then how about a new show called....THE JANITOR.....
So its coming back... right?
as a guy i must say the finale made me tear up and i think that they ended it perfectly i dont ask for anything more
From what I have heard there is going to be a 9th season. J.D will be in the first 6 episodes then will leave again. Apparently the only main characters from the first 8 seasons will be Turk and Dr. Cox. All they will be doing is teaching the new interns whom will eventually take over as the main cast.
I like the idea that they are replacing the interns but I agree, it just wont be the same with out the original cast. I actually hope they dont make a final season 9 becuase it will ruin everything season 8 episode 18 had to offer I think they should just leave it, let the actors move on. Haven't we allready said our good-byes? This way they wont be stretching it out and they will have nothing to offer any way if the whole crew isnt there.. especially wittout J.D.
Apparently they're only replacing J.D and Elliot, but they're not sure if they'll keep the other main characters, but it's fairly certain they will.
I aslo heard Jo(denise)will be playing a big part in the new series.
And J.D and elliot will be appearing in the first 6 episodes. I'm in no way certain of any of this, and though it really wont be the same if they get rid of J.D because we'll be missing the man love between him and Turk =) I still think that they could keep it ok, so everyone cosidering giving up, please just try it a little before you do.
I am from england and I LUV SCRUBs, season 8 is not yet out over here, but i saw the season 8 last episode on Youtube =P but now Youtube are taking the last episode videos of coz of copyrights... O well, i saw it =P But im REALLY not sure weather i wud watch a ninth season.
I heard that there IS going to be a ninth season.For the first six episodes Zach braff and sarah chalke will be there,but after that it's centered around dr.cox and turk. I say we give it a try and see where it goes
jd IS scrubs and sure, the new series might be alright but the last episode was left on a bit of a cliffhanger (wondering what would happen to jd and elliot with all the future stuff), but the porgramme is initially ABOUT jd - from the very first episode, and it'd be hard to put a new set of characters in jd's place
I would love to see a 9th season of scrubs! The thing is it has to be either a short season to finish off the series with present cast (thats exactly what they gonna do) - they will introduce JD for few episodes but then they should cleverly end his story bcause to keep this series alive with new characters we, as viewers have to let go of the main character in a smooth way)) After we see that small transition it will be the time to let go of the JD & Turk combo to a new Scrubs storyline (preferably without flashbacks to JD) - Loved Scrubs, Enjoyed it LOTS, the cast, the crew and THE CREATOR , all have done a great job! THANK YOU
As I read on Zach Braff's fanclub on Facebook. He said that he had read the season 9 screenplay so I think there will be a season 9 for those of you who wonder
i heard there is suppose to be a 9th season. with dr cox and turk as proffesers at a school and they occationally visit sacrad heart and you see old cast members. yet theres a rumor that jd is suppose to be in the first 6 episodes to launch the shows idea.
on the other hand we have anothe rumor that there will be a season nine with all the cast members if the whole crew is up for another eason. but instead on nbc they will transfer to abc which they did in 07 to 08.
i love scrubs. and i personally hope they keep a season 9 but still is up for a new change
Omg if there is another season of scrubs and there better be, i want zach braff to be in it and all other characters. otherwise there is no point in watching. Dont make another season umless there in it because there will be no one that watches it seriously!!!!!!!!!!!
People there will be a season 9 because i just checked a fan of Zach (JD) Facebook video and he confermend it that he is shooting the season 9 and there will be a season 10 and onwardscheck it out the vid on facebook just become his fan :) xx
Therewill be a ninth season, but JD will not be in it, they will change the character JD to a new girl.. :/
So afterall there will be a ninth season but without JD
Although I'm not gay, i want to marry Zach Braff. I ADORE HIM!!!!!!!!!
I reckon that they will make a season 9 but i dont think J.D. will be in it. If he is it might just be for guest appearances
There is going to be a scrubs season 9 and the interns aren't going tke over it going to be the most of the sme characters as in season 8 but in season 9 JD wont be there in every episode he will just be doing guest appearances
Hey, Scrubs to me is like eastender and emerdale. it should be an on going thing. was sad to see the ending knowing it was the last, then i heard about season 9. why not season 9 10 11... cary on iv neva seen a show as gd in my life. Craig morgan
Well is there a 9th season or NOT? I need to known SOIDONTGOCRZY! IS THERE AQ (TH SEASON
I'm absolotely gutted that most of the regular cast are going to be leaving! scrubs has had me in stitches since episode 1 and the only comedy series that in my mind has ever rivaled or been on parr with friends, but I think abc's idea of changing the name after season 9 is a good idea. I think people will see it as a new comedy and view it as 1 not as watching scrubs with a bunch of strangers which personaly I feel would be catastrofic to the viewings! Gd luck to the producers I hope they keep scrubs or the spin off running because then there's always that chance of the original cast returning perhaps on the story line of following the students thru med skool and when there qualified they get posted to sacred heart were voilĂ ! Scrubs originals are there new colleages.
I absolutely love scrubs. I'm in South Africa and have Season 1-8 on my computer. Enjoyed it so much, I'm even repeating it. Can't wait to get my hands on season 9 !
Scrubs is very nice show. I really like it so much. I like to Watch Scrubs Online. its story is very interesting.
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